Saturday 13 July 2013

Intro To Game Theory


Strategy: Rule or plan of action for playing the game.

Game: A situation where players make strategic decisions, decisions which take into account each others actions and responses.

Payoffs: Results of strategic decisions. They are outcomes which generate rewards or benefits. For example for a price setting firm payoffs are profits.

Optimal strategy: The strategy which maximizes a player’s expected payoff.

Dominant strategy: The strategy which is best for me regardless of what my opponent does.


Let us consider 2 firms A and B selling competing products and deciding whether or not to advertise. The payoffs resulting from different strategies are given below.


Each firm will be affected by its competitor’s decision.

Let us consider firm A. it should clearly advertise because no matter what firm B does A does best by advertising. If B advertises A earns a profit of 10 if it advertises but only 6 if it doesn’t. If B does not advertise A earns a profit of 15 if it advertises but only 10 if it does not. Thus advertising is a dominant strategy for A.

The same is true for B. no matter what A does B does best by advertising. Therefore assuming both firms are rational the outcome of the game is that both firms will advertise. When each player has a dominant strategy we call the outcome of the game equilibrium in dominant strategies.

Now let us consider a different pay off matrix.

Now firm A  has no dominant strategy. Its optimal decision depends on what B does. If B doesn’t advertise A also does best by not advertising.
Now suppose both firms have to take their decision at the same time. What will A do? A will have to put itself in B’s shoes and think what B is most likely to do. The answer is clear. B has a dominant strategy- to advertise no matter what A does. Therefore firm A concludes that B will advertise. Therefore A should also advertise and earn 10 instead of 6. The outcome of the game is that both firms advertise because A is doing the best it can given B’s decision and B is doing the best it can given A’ decision. This is a case of nash equilibrium

Dominant strategy

 • A is doing the best regardless of what B is doing
 • B is doing the best regardless of what A is doing.

Nash equilibrium

  • A is doing the best given what B is doing
  • B is doing the best given what A is doing

                           MAXIMIN STRATEGY

The concept of nash equilibrium depends a lot not just on the rationality of the player but also of the opponent. This can often be a limitation.

Let us consider 2 firms considering whether or not to invest



Here investing is a dominant strategy for firm 2 because in doing so it will do better regardless of what 1 does. Here 1 will also do better by investing and earning 20 crore than by not investing and losing 10 crore. Therefore (invest, invest) is the nash equilibrium. Here we assume that firm 1 is sure that firm 2 understands the game and are rational.

Not rational:

Suppose firm 1 is cautious and not sure whether firm 2 is fully informed and rational. They are not sure whether 2 will choose to invest or not. Thus 1 might choose to not invest. In this case the worst that can happen is that it will lose 10 crore. But that is still better than losing 100 crore which is what would have happened had 2 not invested and 1 had. This strategy is called a maximin strategy because it maximizes the minimum gain that can be earned. If both firms used maximin strategy the outcome would be that 1 does not invest and 2 does. A maximin strategy is conservative but not profit maximizing.

                 PRISONERS DILEMMA

This is one of the most popular examples to explain game theory. The numbers indicate the years of imprisonment.

The ideal outcome is one in which neither player confesses and each get 2 years in prison. Confessing however a dominant strategy-it yields a higher payoff regardless of the strategy of the other player.
Thus (confess, confess) is a dominant strategy as well as a nash equilibrium.

-Noyonika Bose

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